TeamKidss OOSH (Out Of School Hours) provide onsite before and after school care and Vacation Care (during the school holidays) for children from Picnic Point Public School.
Information for parents and guardians
Service contact details
TeamKids phone number:
1300 035 000
TeamKids email:
Picnic Point TeamKids Venue webpage
TeamKids website:
Please note:
This service is located in a dedicated demountable on school grounds.
Details of care provided
Before school care:
6:30am to 9:00am
Weekdays in school term
After school care:
3:00pm to 6:00pm
Weekdays in school term
Vacation care:
6:30am to 6:00pm
Daily Fees (per child)
Before school: $18.00
After school: $28.00
Pupil free day: $65.00
Holiday program: $65.00