Picnic Point Public School

Empowering learners to shape their world

Telephone02 9773 7817


Fundraising activities


The P&C and the Concert Band committees share and rotate annually the responsibility of the Easter raffle.

How it works

Students can make a donation to help make up Easter hampers to raffle. For each donation the student will receive 1 free raffle ticket.  More than 1 donation is allowed; the more you donate, the more chances you have to win. Tickets will be sent home with students for them to sell to family and friends.

The hampers will be raffled off after the Easter Hat Parade.

Examples of goods to donate:

  • Chocolate eggs
  • Baskets or sturdy cardboard gift boxes
  • Stuffed Easter toys

More information will be sent home with your child.

Mother's day

Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday in May each year. 

The week before we will hold the Mother's Day stall where students can buy a present for their mum, grandmother or carer. Presents will be $5 each and we have a great selection of gifts. Please provide your child a bag to ‘hide' their purchased gift in. Students will be taken to the stall during the morning class time by their teacher. If your child forgets their money or is absent on the day, gifts can be purchased from the canteen the remainder of the week.

Father's day

Students can buy a present for their dad, grandfather or carer. Presents will be $5 each and we have a great selection of gifts. Please provide your child a bag to ‘hide' their purchased gift in. Students will be taken to the stall during the morning class time by their teacher.


We have at least one Disco a year and these are always a fun event for the whole family. Please watch out for information to come home about the next one.

Family fun nights

Outdoor Movie Night - Home

Great fun for the whole family

The students vote on the movie to be shown. There is a sausage sizzle, popcorn, lollies, chips, ice blocks and drinks for sale on the night. The P&C also organised to have a coffee truck for your caffeine needs.

The tickets were $5 per person or $20 per family pre purchased or $7 per person and $25 per family on the night. It is always a great night! We hope to see all of you for the next one.


The P&C and the Concert Band committees share and rotate annually the responsibility of the fundraising raffles across the school.

Raffles are undertaken for:

  • Easter
  • Mother's Day
  • Father's Day

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